Will Pong is an MIT alumnus. While at MIT and later at Phillips Research Labs, Will researched mobile robotics technology. Later, in collaboration with Dean Kamen, whose organization developed the Segway personal transporter, Will explored the use of the technology in firefighting and emergency response applications. He is currently developing mobile technology robotic products at his own company, Pong Robotics (https://www.pongtech.com), to help people stay healthy and productive, living independently as they age. It is more than a little intriguing that that the pongtech.com website suggests that its mobile robotic system “mimics the biomechanics of downhill skiing to provide the user with an experience that is both fun and potentially therapeutic for back and joint pain.” Will can explain what this might mean for us if we have common age-related complaints like fatigue or arthritis. We should mention that Will also has a personal tie to Arthur D. Little. His late wife, Carol, was an accomplished chemist who worked in the Environmental Group laboratories at Acorn Park.
We hope that you will be able to join us for Brunch on October 20, 2019.
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